Vendor Spotlight - P.E.W.S.
We are so lucky here in the South to have several specialty wedding vendors at our fingertips. No matter the type of wedding you're planning, you can usually find great businesses that have the products and services you need to make your day the way you envisioned. One of those great specialty businesses is P.E.W.S., a company based in Alabama that rents the prettiest church pews. The acronym, P.E.W.S., also stands for "Purely Elegant Wedding Statements" and boy are they! Whether you're looking for fun seating pieces for your guests or want a pew or two to add to your rustic-chic decor the gals at P.E.W.S. can help you find what you need! Read on for more information on P.E.W.S. and to see pictures of their beautiful inventory!
How did you get started in the rental business?
P.E.W.S. began out of a personal determination to figure out how I could serve others in a creative way. I grew up planning to be a nurse because I do love taking care of people - but quickly realized I would not be able to pursue much creativity where I was working - so I started to think about where I could fit into the Wedding Industry. A planner mentioned that she could never find church pews so my husband and I decided to fix that! We had no idea of the difficult challenges that laid ahead but I am so thankful for all that we have overcome. We love what we do and how we get to help fulfill dreams of so many wonderful couples.
What do you love most about being in the wedding industry in the South?
Starting a Pew Rental Company would not work anywhere but the south! We are so thankful to have lived and work in this part of the country that celebrates the elegant parts of the past! Having church pews as ceremony or reception seating adds a historic appreciation because all of our pews have come from churches, and each one has their own story.
What is unique about your pews?