Vendor Spotlight-Maggie Moos

Today we're talking about the delicious desserts of Maggie Moo's! Clayton Arrington was a doll in answering a couple questions we had about his store. What made you go into the business of ice cream?

Several years ago my wife and I were in the MaggieMoo's on West End. We were inspired by all the smiles, bright colors, and premium product. We immediately began looking into opening a store. We actually opened our first store in Jackson, TN, where I grew up. Two years later we opened stores in Hendersonville, TN and Huntsville, AL. And then last year we partnered with the owners of the Nashville West End location, Steve and Barbara Newton, to expand our catering to include the first ever Maggie's Mobile Slab Ice Cream Truck!

What are all the different ways brides can use your products?

Brides primarily use us as an "action station" at a wedding. We took a frozen slab and put it on wheels...we essentially roll it into a reception venue, plug it in, and mix guest's ice cream, frozen yogurt or sorbet with their favorite fresh fruit, candy or nuts on the frozen slab. It's a huge hit for the guests, as most of them have never seen someone like us at a wedding reception. Most of them know MaggieMoo's, so to get our product at a wedding just blows them away. And...if requested, we can actually throw the ice cream up in the air and catch it in the cup! If a bride wants something a little more simple, we can do a traditional sundae bar for her. This is where we scoop the ice cream and put on toppings. The only difference is that we don't mix it on the stone.

And of course if it's an outdoors event, our truck might be just what they're looking for! It's a 21ft food truck that we can take virtually anywhere. We are sometimes used as a "surprise," rolling up in the middle of the celebration to treat the guests. One cool "add on" is that we'll actually bake fresh waffle cups at the reception. The smell this puts off for a reception is amazing, and just adds another cool factor for our station.

Finally...we are the perfect "Groom's Cake." A lot of people have substituted us for that because they don't really see the need to have two cakes...and we agree!


 What flavors or options do you offer?

We can offer virtually any flavor imaginable, and have even on occasion created special flavors for brides. We make all our ice cream in our store, so it's made fresh just days in advance of the wedding reception. Of course no wedding reception would be complete without one of our famous cake flavors...Better Batter, Chocolate Better Batter, Red Velvet Cake, or Carrot Cake! We also specialize in a premium scoopable yogurt and sorbet, covering the low fat option and those that need a non-dairy option.

Do you ship to different states?

We have gone as far as Charlotte, NC for a wedding reception. We typically don't ship our product, as we prefer to serve it at our events.

We asked Clayton a couple random personal questions and here's what he said:

Mac or PC? PC

Tea or Coffee? Both

iPhone or Blackberry? iPhone

Favorite song right now "Drive By" - Train...and what's most exciting is that we're a vendor at Fontanel...and they are playing there in August!

Yum! Sounds like a great way to add a little something extra to a reception or even a rehearsal dinner! Be sure to check out their website at
